As requested, 1.3 Pre Beta Screens

War Plan Orange: Dreadnoughts in the Pacific 1922-1930, from the team that brought you War in the Pacific.

Moderator: Tankerace

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As requested, 1.3 Pre Beta Screens

Post by Tankerace »

1.3 is progressing well, but is still not playable (it isn't even done on my end yet).

Here are some PR screens of units already done. The data is there, the main thing now is graphics (I'm just over halfway done with ships, haven't started on planes) and then scenario building. Still, quite a lot of changes, and most of us will need to adjust our play styles.

First, the revamped Merchant Scheme. From the Ships database, Allied Merchant page 1:

And Page 2

You will notice Naval Transports and Troop Ships are classed as APs, while Freighters, Cargo Ships, and Steamships are classed as AKs. Lighters, landing boats, landing craft, and Sampans (see below) are classed as AGs.

The Japanese Merchants:
There is a small handful of transport types below this screen, but not enough to warrant a new screen. The Allies have so many to represent different nations, as well as some armament differences. Only medium to large ships (6000t or greater) are allowed to be armed, and they must be at least around 11,000t or more for naval guns (12pdr or 3 inch). Only the large navalized tranports and the larger troop ships receive guns in the 4, 4.7, and 5 inch range. As you will note below, cargo capacity has been GREATLY reduced. I am going to ask Mike to change the large AK definition to 3,000 tons, because so far only 1 type of ship even reaches that amount.

The largest cargo capcity I have found on 1920s vessels is about 2,800 tons (or troops). Invasions, and in particular convoys, must be planned with greater care now.

For Japan to offset the cost, she receives about 200-300 Sampans. They can travel 480nm, need 2 tons of fuel, and can carry 6 tons of cargo. However, they are so slow (1 hex a day) and unmaneuverable that woe would befall the player who used them as landing craft. Wait for your Shohatsu's to arrive in 1927.

The Japanese also get Sampan picket boats, which are basically Sampans rated as PCs with 2 7.7mm MGs. They cannot attack subs, but can serve as patrol boats to guard back water stations, or make good sub fodder to let you know where the enemy is deploying his subs.

One of the many Sampans Japan receives. Note they are spread all over Japan, Korea, and some of the various island bases.

For Allied non merchants... the dreaded Motor Torpedo Boat!!!! This example a Soviet Sch 4 type.

For the Australians, the Oxley class submarine. These are similar to the generation of submarines started with the British Oberon.

For the British, the one off Parthian class Perseus. Essentially the same as her sisters, she carries a single 4.7 inch gun in lieu of the standard four inch.

Various Allied Merchant screens:
A 21,000 ton transport, basically the Luchenbach family of Liners.

11,000 ton Troop Ship.

9,000 ton Troop Ship.

8,000 ton Freighter

9,000 ton Cargo Ship.

7,000 ton Cargo Ship

5,000 ton Cargo Ship

3,000 ton Cargo Ship.

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RE: As requested, 1.3 Pre Beta Screens

Post by JagdFlanker »

looks fantastic! you mentioned the endurance of warships going down too?
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RE: As requested, 1.3 Pre Beta Screens

Post by Zakhal »

Looks awesome. Does hospital ship give support to troops? [:'(] That sampan is a bit funny though (cap 6). Its nigh to row boat.

Can you create these AG barges btw? There is a create AG barge thingie in one of the ship panels but it looks like disabled and there is no mentioning of barge creation in the manual.
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RE: As requested, 1.3 Pre Beta Screens

Post by Tankerace »


Looks awesome. Does hospital ship give support to troops? [:'(] That sampan is a bit funny though (cap 6). Its nigh to row boat.

Can you create these AG barges btw? There is a create AG barge thingie in one of the ship panels but it looks like disabled and there is no mentioning of barge creation in the manual.

I thought I left the stuff in the manual. If not, it'll be an addendum in the readme.

As barges become available (as reinforcements), they will go into a pool. Then, at bases or in transport TFs that are loaded with supply, barges (and MTBs that go into a pool) can be created at a cost of supply.

Not sure yet on the Hospital ship, it will probably be a small capacity (250-400) ship with a higher durability rating. Can be used ersatz in landings, but mainly for evacing smashed units to safety.

On sampans, I didn't want the capacity of a landing boat (20-30) so that it wouldn't be used in invasions. Also, I figured between 6-10 tons of cargo is all one could realistically take. Especially since they are going to be coastal, short range vessels anyway.

Still, it can change up to the release.

ORIGINAL: Flanker Leader

looks fantastic! you mentioned the endurance of warships going down too?

Though it isn't 100% implemented, the majority of this (at least re American ships) was done in the 1.205 patch. BBs are now either shorter ranged, have a higher fuel consumption, or both.
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RE: As requested, 1.3 Pre Beta Screens

Post by Helpless »

[8|] ...very hard to deicide what is better - screens of 1.3 or your avatar.. [:)]
any new scenarios to appear in 1.3?
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RE: As requested, 1.3 Pre Beta Screens

Post by goodboyladdie »

This game increases in depth all the time. Thanks very much for all the hard work. I am almost looking forward to another restart...

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RE: As requested, 1.3 Pre Beta Screens

Post by Deathtreader »

Will 1.3 be a comprehensive patch, or will we have to patch up in sequence?? BTW, how is 1.3 coming??
So we're at war with the Russkies eh?? I suppose we really ought to invade or something. (Lonnnng pause while studying the map)
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RE: As requested, 1.3 Pre Beta Screens

Post by Helpless »

Tanker, any chance that relevant changes of WITPv1.802 to apear in WPO 1.3 [&o] [:)] [;)]
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RE: As requested, 1.3 Pre Beta Screens

Post by Tankerace »

ORIGINAL: Helpless

Tanker, any chance that relevant changes of WITPv1.802 to apear in WPO 1.3 [&o] [:)] [;)]

Not sure yet. I'd like them to be, but it all depends on if Mike or Joe can get to it.

Moreover, I've been increasingly busy the past month, and am only now just getting back to working good on the patch and I don't want to give an ETA for it. The main holdup is still the art, but I am double checking the OOB for any errors and adding stuff when I find it.

On a related note, I now have most of the 1.205 changes added to Mike's GPW, so I may upload that for initial testing (you guys, since it isn't official) by Monday or Tuesday. Part of the delay there is checking on a few potential typos, and adjusting the classes to the 1.3 (yes, 1.3) fit of what is completed and can be ported over now.
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RE: As requested, 1.3 Pre Beta Screens

Post by goodboyladdie »

Thanks once again. Are you sorry you became a Dev? It seems your work is never ending...

Art by the amazing Dixie
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